Saturday, August 09, 2008

Tri again?

Maria Edgeworth says it better than most:

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,
All play and no work makes Jack a mere toy.

There is plenty to do in life- there is just very little that I, personally, get to do - because of life. You enjoy the ride, though, and really enjoy the things you want to do.

Last weekend I was able to head up to Shreveport, LA with Lisa and Jared for a Sprint Triathlon called River Cities Triathlon. It was such a fun trip. My cheeks are still sore from the laughter - and biking. It's amazing how time away can really recharge you in ways you didn't expect it to. 4 states down, 46 to go - there is just so much that I want to do...I'm like a kid in a candy shop searching for my next race!!

If anyone wants to join me for a 3 mile swim, please let me'll need a wetsuit, though.

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