Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Other, Other White Meat

They say architects are supposed to be very observant of their surroundings. We design spaces. Therefore, we should be attune to what others have designed. There is a reasoning behind all that we do - and sometimes the answer is, "it's just cool!"

So, today I'm at A&E Graphics picking up some consultant prints that we need ASAP. It was either me or the (maybe) 90lbs. girl that was there. Considering the weight of the drawings being around 50lbs, it was better for me to go.

Usually the drawings are right up front waiting to be picked up. However, I got there a little quicker than they expected. I was offered a Coke and pointed towards the magazines. I really appreciated that. I get my Coke, start reading the paper, then hear this jingling noise next to me. I look down to see this black cat staring right at me. If I was a screamer, I would have screamed. It freaked me out. I almost beat it with the newspaper I had in my hand.

One of the girls at the desk chuckled at me and murmered, "He finally woke up." Apparently he had been sitting on the midnight blue chair next to me while I was concentrating on the paper selection. Never saw him.

Seriously, they have a cat in their store? Note to A&E: Pick a mascot instead...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Just before one of our co-workers left because of green-card and maternity issues, this girl created some issues on our plan. She moved some columns in our building because the casework wouldn't fit. This is understandable at the beginning of the job - just not a week before submitting to the owner!! ---AND, she didn't discuss this with the structural engineer!! All bad things.

The project manager came over to our group that is picking up her slack and said, "I don't care if Cynthia (Project Lead), John (Principal) or Jesus Christ himself tells you to move a column. You will not move them."

Ummm, k - not messing with that one...

I thought a little further after the conversation about what kind of architecture would be in heaven. WWGB: What would God build? If God gave me an option for choosing countertops, just for fun, I would pick these specifications:

Set at 31.6"High in proportion with my height
Countertop comprised of air and lightning storms
Built in Fruit basket allowing me to select ANY exotic fruit at any time of the day
- and -
Vanilla-flavored (Yeah, you can lick the countertop like Willy Wonka Wallpaper)

What would you want to design?!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If I only had a name...

My new girl just arrived today via Stork (AKA: Fed Ex). She is beautiful!! - nay - GORGEOUS!!

I immediately ripped open the packaging so I could play. I soon realized that I had left my wallet at home today, therefore there were no picks to play with. I usually carry two - one hard - one soft - in my wallet for such random occassions. Stink.

The action is FAST - much faster than what I had played before. This is going to be a blast! The thing is though, I'm now at a loss for what to name her. The original name that I had planned to call her does not apply.

She is definitely my new favorite electric guitar though! Mr. Rogers - Yes, she is all black &... No, as you can see, it is not a Mail-Order Bride.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Killer Bike Ride

While the majority of the world was sleeping in this weekend, I was biking up in NW Houston with an awesome friend enjoying the workout and scenery. The ride was pretty smoothe. Traffic was at a low. The weather was actually decent. Seeing longhorns slightly silhouetted against the morning sun and green grass was amazing. (I'll spare my Aggie-ism's for now)

I just feel bad for this friend of mine who drafted behind me at the beginning of the ride for the simple fact that amid the amazing scenery and beauty of God, the view was being obstructed by some white dude with a ghetto booty.

I'm so sorry friend!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Just a word...

I love birthdays. Let me clarify: I love Birth-weeks!

Getting older ROCKS!! Yeah, our bodies are failing because of age, but what a joy to celebrate being alive. The thing that makes our birthdays so much more significant than any other day, pending the obvious traditional celebrations, is that it's a benchmark. It's a stake in this short time on Earth where we get to reflect on our God-given ability to breathe, to love, to worship.

We are held together by God's design to allow us to live. Because God is willing me to live, I live. Just a word from his lips and I can be removed from this Earth.

Just as I celebrated my life on Sunday, this day also marked the passing of a dear, family friend. While playing doubles-tennis with my Dad, he had a fatal heart-attack in my Dad's arms.

I heard the news immediately while talking to my mom on the phone after she had beeped over from call-waiting. I then immediately wrote this man's children, friends who are my age, and scripted a prayer to them.

The oldest son, who was a year ahead of me in school, is a very good friend. He wrote me a response back a day later saying, in part, "Remember that beauty comes from ashes". I was floored! This was one of the studliest responses I have ever heard in my life to any life situation, more or less, your father passing away.

I pray that my response would be the same if this were to happen to me. Be praying for my friend's mom and sisters.

Christian Guys and Acoustic Guitars

I was talking to a friend the other day about playing guitar. He said that he had started a few years ago, but never kept going after learning only a few chords. I lamented with him how hard it can be to push pass all the plateaus. I hope to have encouraged him to pick it back up.

He asked me what got me into playing guitars to begin with; I told him the absolute truth. I wanted chicks to dig me. Now, understand that I was 15 when I started playing. My motivation then was, well, typical teenager. A Christian guy and an acoustic guitar was THE thing. Girls flocked to "that guy" like the crazy birds at Uptown Park Cafe Express scoping an abandoned plate of food.

I've noticed now that I'm older that chicks don't dig guys that play guitar nearly as much. I have noticed though that guys that may not play as well as others get more attention when they play cheesy pop songs by guys like Justin Timberlake, N*Sync, Go-Go Girls, etc...

This still baffles me to this day how this happens. They play the simple three chords and you swoon - WHAT!??!?!!!?

Also, I've never gotten a girl because of my guitar playing, oh well. ;)

I refuse to sell out!