Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Christian Guys and Acoustic Guitars

I was talking to a friend the other day about playing guitar. He said that he had started a few years ago, but never kept going after learning only a few chords. I lamented with him how hard it can be to push pass all the plateaus. I hope to have encouraged him to pick it back up.

He asked me what got me into playing guitars to begin with; I told him the absolute truth. I wanted chicks to dig me. Now, understand that I was 15 when I started playing. My motivation then was, well, typical teenager. A Christian guy and an acoustic guitar was THE thing. Girls flocked to "that guy" like the crazy birds at Uptown Park Cafe Express scoping an abandoned plate of food.

I've noticed now that I'm older that chicks don't dig guys that play guitar nearly as much. I have noticed though that guys that may not play as well as others get more attention when they play cheesy pop songs by guys like Justin Timberlake, N*Sync, Go-Go Girls, etc...

This still baffles me to this day how this happens. They play the simple three chords and you swoon - WHAT!??!?!!!?

Also, I've never gotten a girl because of my guitar playing, oh well. ;)

I refuse to sell out!


Laurie said...

I'm going to need clarification on that last statement "I'll never sell out."

Does that mean you'll never date a girl who's attracted to your guitar playing? :)

RWT said...


Oh, I will date a girl that likes a guitar-playing guy, of course.

However, if she likes the aforementioned bands, or the like, she's got the wrong guy...I will never play that kind of music for her, or anyone!!