Monday, May 19, 2008

Jesus, Dating and Baseball?!?

I was joking with a friend the other night during conversation that people in the church tend to 'over-spiritualize' everyday conversations. We both agree that everything comes back to Christ, yet sometimes talking about 'yesterday's Astros game' with each other is also acceptable conversation without seeing how it applies to Jesus Christ. (Sometimes we should wait for God to open the door and for us to not 'kick it open')

We then proceeded to assimilate what it may look like to overspiritualize Godly relationships in relation to baseball. The gist of the conversation revolved around this assessment (a few points added after conversation):
First Base: Date #1
Second Base: Reading the Word Together
Third Base: Praying Together
RBI: Getting engaged

Home Run: Marriage

The conversation had was much more comical, yet I'm curious if persons reading would agree with our very well, thought-out assessment.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh..genius! cracking up here.

this will make updating friends at church on your relationship status so much easier..though a visitor might be confused when one so proudly tells his/her friends they made it to third base.

Anonymous said...

Is it weird that it makes me happy that I'm the "friend" mentioned in the story?